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13 August 2023 | Football

Uganda Premier League side Rogers Mato has confirmed the departure of Rogers Mato.

The transfer comes after Mato had spent two years as a Kasiro Boy after switching from Proline FC on a four-year employment contract.

With two years left on the ongoing contract, Mato has already joined the Turkish second-division side Sanliurfa Spor Kulubu.

The development has been made public via the club's official website on Sunday, August 13, 2023.

“KCCA FC and Turkish side Sanliurfa Spor Kulubu have agreed for the transfer of Mato,” the statement partly read.

“Everyone at the club thanks Rogers Mato Kassim for the memories over the years and wishes him the best at his new club,” it added.

In the 2022/23 season, Mato had 11 and four assists making his their best player in a season they missed out on lifting the title due to a lesser goal difference.

The club only confirmed the transfer deal but hardly disclosed the other details that were agreed upon for the transfer to take place.

KCCA have started a new life under the tutelage of Portuguese Sergio Trangu and has already ousted Wakiso Giants in the FUFA Super 8 quarterfinals.

They are set to play URA FC in the Semifinals at MTN Omond Stadium as to set the ball rolling ahead of the 2023/24 campaign.

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